Wednesday, November 23, 2016


1.       Gathering
2.       Balloons poper:
Mechanics of the game
1 pair
Girl  must face on the wall or hold the chair
Guy must pop the 15 balloons
The 1st pair reach the goal wins
3.       Videoke
2 person will sing a song
4.       Nominees
Draw 1 category
List down the nominees
Announce the  winner
5.       Catch a fish
Mechanics of the game
Devided into 2 teams
Each teams form a circle
Team will select either fish or net
The net team will catch the fish
Net team must think a number 
The fish team will enter the net
Once the net team reach the specific number they have to catch the fish inside
6.       Videoke
2 person will sing a song
7.       Nominees
Draw 1 category
List down the nominees
Announce the  winner
8.       Rolling balls
Game mechanics
2 pairs
Girl must lay down
Guy need to roll the ball using the face chin or lips
The goal of this games the ball must reach the chin of the girl
9.       Videoke
2 person will sing a song
10.   Nominees
Draw 1 category
List down the nominees
11.   Teleberd challenge
Individual games participant must reach 20 jump without the rope touch the body part of the participant
12.   videoke
2 person will sing a song
13.   Nominees
Draw 1 category
14.   Mannequin Challenge
Game mechanics:
The game master will filming the participants every time the camera moves makes  sure that
Nobody will moves or else they will be disqualified as long as they are not caught you can move
At any side of the room
Game master will provide hard situation to reach their maximum capability to go further
The last man standing will be the winner
15.   videoke
2 person will sing a song
16.   Nominees
Draw 1 category
17.   Body contacts
Game master will draw a name 1 girl and 1 boy does participant must draw 1 peace of paper
And they need to connect their body parts that ritten on that small paper
18.   videoke
2 person will sing a song
19.   Nominees
Draw 1 category